Blocked by the day job

by Nicola O' Driscoll
27th December 2012

Hi, I find that most of my ideas just keep floating around in my head and I find it hard to grab them and put them to paper or paint.. My very at the moment necessary day job is very demanding and keeps me from finding time to wind down and get in the right rythym.. So I feel blocked and of course slightly frustrated.. So my question is how do you deal with this and how can I gradually unblock myself to become the sole artist I so badly crave and desire?


Also, as an afterthought, more recently I have taken to reading about writing in the evenings. I look at it as still being writing-related and something which will (hopefully) benefit my story and improve my writing skills. Also, I don't feel guilty about not writing and I'm learning something new at the same time.

Profile picture for user robswrit_24154
270 points
Developing your craft
Robert Gill

I used to find myself in the position of working a 10-hour day in the classroom, then being too wound up to write in the evenings, so my writing ended up being relegated to the weekend, slotted in around social commitments. It took a while, but eventually I discovered that going swimming for half and hour or so after work helped me to relax and put me into the mood for writing when I arrived home. I don't know if it will be useful to you, but it certainly worked for me.

Profile picture for user robswrit_24154
270 points
Developing your craft
Robert Gill


Have you tried 'Morning Pages' from The Artist's Way. The idea is to write three pages each morning as free writing, to get your brain in a creative mood, whether you then use that writing for your novel or story, or not. I have heard some people adapt this so that it might not be exact three pages, but one, or two, or for a certain length of time, sometimes in the evening if it's more suitable than the morning. It's about setting a routine that gets you writing and creating, but is also low-pressure.

I also like the above suggestions of reading, listening to music and finding even a short amount of time to write each day. Unfortunately, I do try this last one and it doesn't always work, but if you're determined, I'm sure you'll get there.

Good luck!

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