
by Laura Lovelock
21st February 2013

I know that this community is based around writing but as Stephen King says, 'if you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time to write. Simple as that.'

I love reading and I was wondering whether anyone had read any good books recently that they would recommend?

Do you tend to stick to the same genre of book or do you read a mixture of everything?



I love reading but when I'm actively trying to write I find it completely unhelpful reading at the same time. I become so absorbed within a book that I'll be unable to think of little else! - Which, alas, makes it near impossible to write!

However, when I do read - it's a mixture of genres. I like variety, YA Fantasy, Classics, Crime, Thrillers, etc.

One genre I struggle with is romance, I like a book to have elements of romance within it, but I don't like the plot based solely on /that/ romance.

Have you ever read Carol Smith books? She seems to have quite a lot of negative reviews on Amazon, but personally I really enjoyed all of her books. Many of which I could relate too. :)

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Laura, have you read P. D. James?

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It is really interesting to hear from you all about which books you have read and authors you love. I am ashamed that I haven't read many traditional texts (apart from those we had to for school) and I certainly want to start reading some of those this year.

Interesting point David about what I mean by 'good', as always writing is very subjective, I guess I mean something you read and are touched by, something that makes you think and something you immediately want to share with others.

There are three books that I would recommend:

The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower - Chbosky

No Time For Goodbye - Linwood Barclay

Linwood Barclay is my favourite author by far. He writes the most amazing thriller/crime fiction you could ever hope to read. I also love Patricia Cornwell and her Scarpetta series, I have spent days and days reading her books and not getting bored.

Sophie Hannah is quite a contemporary author but she is brilliant, one of her books is in World Book Night this year.

I am open to reading new things so am hoping to expand my reading horizons this year instead of sticking to the genre and authors that I know I like. I am about to start reading 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green which has been heavily praised.


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Laura Lovelock