Chapter heading

by Mark Haskins
21st August 2015

If you are writing a book that covers a period of time, for example 14 days, would you

* put the date as the chapter title if multiple events happen on that day

* pick a prominent event in that chapter and use that as the chapter title

* Just call it Chapter 1, 2, 3, etc

* Not worry about Chapter titles?


Mark, if each chapter deals with a specific day, you could use the date as chapter heading. Similarly, if you are breaking the days up - multiple events on several days - you can go with the date/time heading. It can add to the tension you are trying to create, by making the headings part of the narrative.

Chapter headings have to be short; too much information and they become unwieldy, and the reader will skip them. There is the option of putting Chapter Five, and underneath in italics, or another font, the date or day and time of the events to follow. If you are shifting locations too, you could add that. '22 August, 1214pm; The Docks' - that kind of thing.

Try all variations and see what you think.

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Depends upon the overall context (individual chapter to main narrative) and the intensity of the story telling. For instance, using a date as a chapter heading could work as well in crime fiction as in a romance, there are no absolutes. I would try out every version of a chapter heading you can think of and then simply choose that which seems to work best. It's a bit long winded, but it's all experience and all experience leads to better writing. Nine times out of ten, if doubt, choose the gut feeling. Good luck.

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Hi Adrian,

Thanks for your thoughts, they give me something to think over


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Mark Haskins