Chapter heading

by Mark Haskins
21st August 2015

If you are writing a book that covers a period of time, for example 14 days, would you

* put the date as the chapter title if multiple events happen on that day

* pick a prominent event in that chapter and use that as the chapter title

* Just call it Chapter 1, 2, 3, etc

* Not worry about Chapter titles?


I believe chapter titles are very important. Few books run completely from beginning to end without chapters. I certainly wouldn't attempt to do it.

Joanne Harris uses a time-frame for her chapters in Blackberry Wine. It's a good way to sign-post.

In Chocolate and The Lollipop Shoes, Harris allocates a symbol for each of her characters, then uses a different symbol for each of her chapters.

I'm not a fan of numbers as chapter titles, because I think that's a cop-out.

You could research how award-winning authors in your genre title their chapters.

Chapter titles should hint at what happens next without spilling the beans. Ask yourself who or what is the chapter about? What is the landmark event that ends in a cliff-hanger, or a hook?

I hope the helps.

Good luck.

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