The Chronicles of Narnia

by Emelia Spargo
6th June 2014

I'm currently reading the fantastic childrens books about Narnia. Putting aside the continuity errors, which can be explained by the fact Lewis never intended to write seven books, (the books are numbered 1-7 in reading order but in published order they actually go 2,4,5,6,3,1,7, if you get what I mean) I find the stories kind of heartbreaking. Many of them seem to have a happy/sad ending. Does anyone who has ever read them feel the same?


That's good. It shows you have engaged with the characters. The test of a good novel is whether, 'you walk more in the world' after reading it.

An amusing story about Lewis and Tolkien.

Lewis and Tolkien were in an Oxford University literary group called the Inklings.

Members would read their latest work to each other. Members tried to be creative and original in their writing.

Tolkien got up to read his latest piece.

Lewis commented, No, no my dear Tolkien not another effing dwarf.'

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Middle Grade (Children's)
Young Adult (YA)
Adrian Sroka