
by Charley Bucknall-Smith
8th January 2014

I'm writing a story centred around a couple. And having no experience on the subject want to know how you interact with your partner or ex partners.

How do you behave around the other?

I don't want to make them seem awkward with each other because they're married but I don't want them to seem perfect.

Any help? I'm really struggling.


Being in a relationship, firstly one needs to be understanding, loving and caring. Having all these qualites can let a relation to stay longer and happier... Married couples are soulmates and soulmates are the mirror to each other. Believing in your partner and being benovelent can help to grow a beautiful and most successful relationship of all.... Couples need to b helpful to each other in solving problem even which are out of the box... Couples are gifts frm allmighty and are precious in all forms!

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It all depends on how the couple in your story are getting on with each other at the time. If they are about to split up in the story then there will be a lot of friction and unhappiness between them. If the story is about a happy couple then there should be lots of give and take with maybe a bit of romance.I think most realistic relationships will always have the occasional argument and disagreement.

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I tend to be intermittently (unobtrusively) observing the activities of my other half. As I am happy in the relationship I want to be sure that he is enjoying his moments. I share what I am doing and take an interest in what he is doing. Sometimes we do things together and when we are in the kitchen we help each other out with whatever we are doing. Simple things like anticipating when he needs a cloth or passing over plates or cups. I'm happy for him to help with the cooking but I would not leave him to cook for a dinner party.

In company I leave him to talk as I make coffee. At parties I leave him to mingle but go back to him intermittently to ensure he is enjoying the party, or rescue him if I think he needs it, or if I think he should be interrupted (getting flirty - after few drinks he's anyone's).

Shopping is something we do together but sometimes go shopping on my own. When we are shopping together I ask if he wants me to buy something in particular. We have usually agreed who is paying before we go out.

Before we go to bed (being me!) I always check the security of the home even if he has checked it. A bit compulsive I know but that is what comes for having been indepedent for so long (good for your female character perhaps - she can't be perfect!).

He is similar in that he leaves me to do my own thing but is interested in what I do. We share things. He gets (needlessly) jealous about my communicating with other men but realises it's a 'man' thing. He is protective and helpful.

I hope this will do for now...

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