do I give up?

by Lucy Bignall
10th February 2015

Over three months ago, an agent requested meet send her a full manuscript, after I had sent her my first three chapters - and I have heard nothing since. Do I assume she is not interested and pursue other avenues, or send a polite email asking if she has had a chance to read it, or do I sit tight for another three months?

Frustrated from bucks,


Hi, Lucy!

Believe me: you're a lucky, lucky person. Or else you've got real talent. All the rest of us are just jealous.

I haven't got as far as you, but I have picked up a point or 3 that might help you in your present "trouble". HA!!!!

a) Sending to more than one agent is DEFINITELY the done thing. The more honest / fair agents will tell you that themselves right up front.

b) Jeff's comment: "They are extremely busy animals, and do work through their pile chronologically, always working for their existing clients first, as you'd expect." is valid. I would add: "... and as you'd HOPE. Imagine being a client of an agent who has no time to help you because (s)he's more interested in looking for MORE clients."

c) I read in one agent's "rules for submission" the following - which I think is only fair - "However, I would appreciate it if you'd let me know if another agent is considering it further". This doesn't mean "... if you've sent 3 chapters to other agents" (which ALL of us do). It means: "Let me know if another agent has asked you for a look at the whole thing."

This is where you're at!

Now, it's a well-known fact that we writers have not the foggiest idea of how an agent's brain works. (If we did, we'd all have had our books published long ago.) But I can see at least TWO possible reactions that an agent might have to being told: "Another agent has asked to read my whole manuscript.":

1) Oh, well, why waste my time if she's going to get scooped up by that other agent?

1 variant) Oh, well, why waste my time if another agent's got there first?

2) Hey, if another agent's interested, maybe it's GOOD! I NEED something good. Let's see if I can attract her to me by offering to coddle her more.

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Hollis i Dickson
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How do I delete my comments? I didn't know all those were going up!?!


Profile picture for user richardb_37492
J. Ashton
270 points
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David J. Ashton

I'd phone her up and demand an explanation; or send her some flowers, with a note, as a reminder. Or alternatively, send her the flowers with your manuscript just shoved inside them, instead of the note.

Profile picture for user richardb_37492
J. Ashton
270 points
Practical publishing
David J. Ashton