Do I really need to plan a trilogy or series?

by David Castanho
17th September 2014

Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask if I NEEDED to plot out a whole series or trilogy before I actually put fingers to keyboard? I'm inspired by Cassandra Clare and have learnt that she plans all her novels before she starts. However its not just her that does this (Holly Black, Lani Taylor, Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth etc..) And here I am only fully understanding the plot for the first novel? am I still safe by doing this?


Are you a natural plotter? Do you plan out your novel before you write? Or do you have a general idea of beginning and end, and a vague map of how to get there that allows for your characters doing u-turns when you're not looking?

If your novel wants to turn into one of a pair or a trilogy, you'll find out as you go along. You may discover that you want to get it all into one book; or you may find that secondary characters merit more attention in novels of their own.

A plan for any novel is not etched in stone; you never know what will happen a little further in as you write it. Get this one written first, and see what it tells you - if it's a one off, fine. If not, make notes as you go, whenever you're inspired - you'll never remember them otherwise!

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You will find that plans change a lot so if you do decide to write one, don't worry if you deviate. I find it helps to know sort of where you'd like to end up. But to be honest, when I started writing my first book I just sat and wrote. THAT 1 is the one I've had to change the most so ;)

I suggest using this maybe...

It's taken from a book called The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler and I'd say is predominantly for SFF - which I'm guessing is your area from the authors you've quoted? :)

The person that gave me the link is a very famous author and he told me he uses it when he starts his books. He writes all the steps and what he wants to happen and then puts it away in a draw and doesn't look at it again. He said that he knows that he doesn't have to stick too closely to the plan, but knowing that it's there in the draw is sort of a confidence boost.

It's up to you if/how you want to use it :)

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Thank you very much Adrian

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