Do I really need to plan a trilogy or series?

by David Castanho
17th September 2014

Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask if I NEEDED to plot out a whole series or trilogy before I actually put fingers to keyboard? I'm inspired by Cassandra Clare and have learnt that she plans all her novels before she starts. However its not just her that does this (Holly Black, Lani Taylor, Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth etc..) And here I am only fully understanding the plot for the first novel? am I still safe by doing this?


It depends on whether you already have ideas for a series of novels. But I'd wait and see what ideas manifest for future novels, as you write your first. Then write your ideas down as they come to you and file them away. Don't let these ideas for future novels side-track you. Concentrate on completing your first task.

I haven't finished editing my first novel, but during the process of writing the first draft of my manuscript I was inspired with ideas for at least three more novels in a series. I believe this happens to many would-be authors.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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