Do you enjoy the editing process?

by Adrian Sroka
16th September 2012

I have have seen many blogs where authors remark how much they enjoy editing their novels.

I have done many edits. I forget how many, but it must be well into double-figures.

The writing is much easier for me. It is more enjoyable than the intensity of editing my novel to the highest of my capabilties.


Each to there own way of doing things, but I believe, Editing is the most important process and requires total concentration and immense stamina.

After the first thorough edit of my novel, I have kept repeating the process. I will continue to do so until I am satisfied. Editing is mentally-draining, but the reward is seeing my novel take shape and become much tighter.

I made a plan. I do not attempt to edit everything on my checklist at once. I divide it into manageable chunks, or select one item to proceed.


Check that my Novel is Character-Driven.

Check all the Dialogue.

Check the Streams of Thought.

Check the Prose.

Check for Repetition.

Check for Shoes and Socks Problems.

Make sure my Characters Act in Character.

Make sure my Plot and Storyline is as Straight and as Simple as I can make it.

Make sure my Sub-Plot works within the Main Plot/Storyline

Ensure the Ending is Strong.

Check Topic Sentences and Length of Sentences.

Check my Sign-Posting.

Check Paragraphs Length.

Check Grammar.

Check Chapter Length is less than, and Does- Not- Exceed 15 pages.

Check my Chapters End Dramatically.

Check my Descriptions of Dramatic Events, Objects and Settings.

Check Character Descriptions.

Check that my Settings are Centrally Important and Generally Motivated.


Foreground the Dramatic Events so they Stand Out.

Landmark the Entrance of Characters Vital to the Plot/Storyline..

Landmark what Defines my Rounded-Characters from Each Other.

Landmark my Settings.

There is much involved in editing a novel, but I believe it is vitally important to leave as little as possible for an Agent or Publishers' Reader to do. It shows how hard the author has worked.

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I find the editing process draining but know it needs to be done. I find it difficult because I start editing then think 'I should have put this' then change it only to find that when I read on I had already put what I'd just changed it to. I think this comes with reading/editing it too often. Getting a couple of friends to read it after I've first written it helps me as they are kind enough to point out where it doesn't flow, where I may have repeated myself etc. I then get on with other writing taking my mind off the initial one whilst they're reading it, then hopefully I can look at it with fresher eyes and edit it more effectively.

Like Adrian, I find the intial writing much more enjoyable.

Now, I have lots of editing to do but the sun is shining and wonter is looming so, I think I'll just pop outside for a while, refresh my mind after a busy weekend and then crack on with editing.

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I find it very exhausting. I am at the start of the process now, going through the first draft and it can be very despairing. I see plot lines that are failing, dialogue that needs sharpening, descriptions that need expanding.

It is very difficult to maintain the discipline required to keep going. The euphoria of finishing the first draft has now worn off leaving only the cold realisation that I still have a long way to go.....

I know it's an important part of the process, but for me it requires greater mental stamina than the writing itself.

Anyway, back I go to the hard slog :)

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