Do you intend to kill your characters off?

by Adrian Sroka
30th September 2013

A would-be author who intends to write a series of novels might have a better chance of hooking an agent or publisher.

Why kill off good characters when you can leave them in the ether to be recycled.


Victoria, I have always been very selective about what books I read. They are mainly contemporary award-winning authors, or acclaimed traditional authors.

I have never been one to team up with the masses.

Am I one of the few on this planet who have not read J.K. Rowling, E L James, or Helen Fielding. But good luck to them. I salute any author who encourages people to read whether I like the genre or not, as long as their books do not encourage self-harm, criminal behaviour, or poison minds.

Victoria and Ritesh, well said. It's ignorant to surmise what a person may be like because they might disagree with an answer to a post on this site.

I remember the American Indian saying:

'Never judge a person until you have walked to moons in his moccasins'

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Reply to A Fox: I don't want another slanging match. It is but pointless and a waste. You should understand from Victoria's and in Previous question- Damien's posts. I have said this once, and I will repeat it for you once more- This is a place for us to acquire more knowledge and improve ourselves and help others, not for quarrels or any other discussions over sexuality, religion etc.

P.S- If you wish to flag me, you may do so, but do not attempt to get me into slanging matches, I will not join in. For this is not a Quarrel Arena, where we argue over things. A great place such as this, a magnificent learning resource does not need to be spammed by arguments, If you may hate me, go ahead but please so not waste others time or mind space through these arguments.

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Fox: I struggle to make sense of the accusation you have levelled at Ritesh, but it matters very little. We are here to discuss all aspects of writing and publication. Anyone is welcome to join the conversation as long as they understand a topic posted can only be swayed towards another angle if it is still about writing and publication. Personal opinions may be stated, but they are not to be judged. Arguing over moral issues takes us away from the discussion we all come here for. There are plenty of websites in which members enter into that sort of debate, but that's not what we do here. Please bear this in mind when you post.

Adrian: I saw on the news tonight that Helen Fielding has revived the character of Bridget Jones but in this latest installment she has killed off Mr Darcy before the book begins. Twitter is, apparently, in uproar and the BBC seems keen to interview anyone who's ever killed of a character. Although, there is a quite interesting radio discussion on writing widowhood here.

Personally, I think killing any character played by Colin Firth is a mistake! But I think Jane Austen's original Mr Darcy is so well loved and so associated with Mark Darcy, Bridget 3 is doomed before publication. If it is true there are characters you shouldn't kill off, Jane Austen's leading men have to be close to the top of the list, don't they?

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