Doing all the right things for the wrong reasons

by damien Isaak
3rd May 2013

Hello all,

I have decided to share my self-publishing dilemma with you all and hope you may be able to give me some advice on whether to carry on or not.

For the people that do not know I to like you wrote a novel called Jacob Jones. Its a children's book. 254 pages aimed at 8 - 12 years. That was the easy part now comes my dilemma.

I sent out a couple of query letters and sat back like everyone else waiting for the.. Sorry we cannot give you more information but we are not taking on any new clients at the moment but we wish you luck and suggest you try a bigger agent. How many of you can relate to this?

I was not too worried as it is part of the process until my boy come home from the armed forces and asked me..

"Father, how are you getting on with Jacob Jones?"

"OK son, it's a Slow process but getting there."

"That's good news, now for even more"

"What's that?"

"I finish my training at the end of June as you no and I will be off to Germany or Afghanistan for my first tour, what do you thing?"

"Great, that's good son," I said as I walked off with a hint of what would have been a full break down in tears had he not been in the house.

"Can't wait to see your book out, hope you can do it before I go, I would love to be there with you" he shouted as I walked off. I shouted back, "want a cup of tea son," as I screamed shit in my mind.

Jumping forward two Months, I rush my ass off to find someone to help me self-publish Jacob Jones before the end of June. Done that and started the process just to find the company whom I will not name just yet took my money fed me all the Ballshit and as yet delivered Sweet F A 3 weeks on.

The book cover they were supposed to design was the cover I made up for them as a guide sent back on an A 5 template exactly what I give them. It has been a nightmare all the way. Different fonts Sci-fi headings for a fiction book and I am not allowed to talk to the designer I have to e-mail them. No one has ever phoned me back when I have asked them to and I was told, "You're not our only customer you know"

Yes so I hear you all saying find someone else to do the work... They charge £1397.00.

I was hoping to tell my boy it was not going to happen when he next phoned me but I couldn't do it because he was upset. He had lost his mate in the armed forces and no one knew where he was. Three weeks later, it ended up being very sad news about his mate and colleague just 18 the same age as my boy.

He is home tonight for the weekend and I don't want to bother him at a time like this but I don't want to let him down so what should I do? Should I be up-front with him or hope the next six weeks I have left, a Miracle happens.

What would you do? :(


Thanks all for your input and advice... My boy is at the top of my list always. Very proud of him and all the armed forces.

Just wanted to do this for him as he said.. "Can't wait to see your book out, hope you can do it before I go, I would love to be there with you"

lots of nice words and tips from you all so I thank you from my heart and I am so happy we have a community web site like this Thanks Bloomsbury, Admin and all that make it what is is.



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damien Isaak

First let me say it is a shit situation you find yourself in.

But you do need to get some perspective as David says it is a story within a story and a deadline within a deadline.

Can I say at this point your story and its ending publishing wise is not that important at the moment.

I would deal with your sons troubles first.

That is your most important deadline.

I would also believe that your son will back you up no matter how this ends up. As with most sons and daughters you will always be their hero no matter how things turn out.

So plan A would be, to be there for your son.

Plan B would be to tell him what is happening with your publishers and you will find you will have an Ally

and your son will have a focus for his anger.

Don't make the mistake of not telling or worse telling porky pies that will just make matters worse. He is I am sure a big boy and can take it on the chin.

I am sure your tale will be told, just hang in there and remember to focus on the truth and the family.

As always its just my opinion and I hope things work out.

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You have two stories here.

1. Your son. It sounds like you are letting him make his own life and that is a good thing.

Better still he is making himself a positive life. A life with dangers yes - but - he might have been at the Boston Marathon (as just one example). Worse than that - he might have got in with the wrong crowd and you could be looking at all sorts of issues to do with drugs and petty crime.

My wife had severe MS and I did a job that could have got me killed at any time - we both agreed that it is better to fall off your hang-glider doing what you choose to do than to drown in your cereal bowl in a nursing home.

The most important thing is to quietly let your son know that you love him and are proud of his achievements.

2. Your publishing company.

Did you get a written contract from them?

If you did - hold them to it.

If they won't co-operate go to Trading Standards for advice and support. If the company are far enough out-of-line Trading Standards will prosecute them.

At a later stage you might take them to the Small Claims Court - but hopefully things will sort out better than that.

And... when you can do so safely/legally please advise everyone who this company are - so that we can all take our money elsewhere.

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