
by Victoria Constant
4th June 2013

How many drafts do people do before their work is finished? I know my works are not completed yet as I am only on my second draft on some, some are still on the first draft, but I wondered roughly what people find works best for them :)


You don't sound big headed at all Alice and I am the same except my mum never wants to read my work, my boyfriend and teachers and some close friends do though and i always blush like a strawberry when they talk about my work haha :')

Profile picture for user vickycon_27461
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Victoria Constant

Oh dear - I think I've succeeded in making myself seem big-headed! I was trying to say that whenever I look over work again, and realise how much of it needs changing, I still won't bother to do a full new draft. I probably should, but I sort of edit as I go along until I have a break from it for a certain amount of time, then look back, then re-edit all over again. That's mainly because I never get ideas, so once I've got one I sort of have to stick with it, or stare at a blank screen for a couple of months!

Emma - you should definitely have more confidence in your writing! Everything I've read of yours on this site has been beautifully written and wonderfully atmospheric - your description is to die for! And I think I came across more confident in that comment than I am - I hate hate hate showing people stuff I've written (which is partly why I like this site so much - it's much easier than confronting criticism face to face). I have never showed my friends any of my stories and whenever I give anything to my mum to read through, I get so embarrassed I have to run off to avoid watching!

Victoria - that seems a really nice idea - I'm hoping to do something similar this summer because recently I met someone who makes audio magazines to send to blind people in the local area, and he said that if I had any stories he would pick a couple to include. So I suppose I shall have to confront my fear of drafts then! Good luck with your drafts too - I shall have another look at your shared work, because I saw that you'd added a poem and I'd love to have a read :-)

Profile picture for user alice@ca_26344
330 points
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Alice Cattley

I suppose I'm editing rather than drafting. It was more redrafting as i wrote the book initially. I had a post it note wall of notes which i built up as i went then moved stuff and added in details.

I wish I had you confidence Alice! Go girl.

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