Fantasy Genre

by Hache L. Jones
30th September 2018

Fantasy is not my genre so I would like to ask whether it's acceptable to write about something which, in our world as we know it, would be impossible without any explanation at all?

For example: if your main protagonist is a half human/half dog is it OK to describe the creature as having the body of a human but the head of a dog but then have the creature perfectly able to speak like a human because his dog head happens to have human vocal chords? Sorry - that was a bit rambling.

I'm fairly sure the answer will be that it's fine to do that but just needed to be sure. Many thanks in advance.


Have you considered doing some research on the ancient Egyptian god Anubis (the dog headed deity)? This may give you some ideas for your storyline.

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Hi, Hache.

In answer to your question - Yes it is.

One explanation for 'ManHound' would be a failed scientific experiment.

Something simpler, would be a woman in early pregnancy bitten by a rabid dog, wolf, or jungle beast. All three examples are credible explanations that a reader would accept.

Each example would take you into the genre of Horror or Magic Realism, as long as your story is firmly grounded in an earthly reality.

In a Fantasy/Sci-Fantasy novel the reader is transported into an unworldly reality which has alien/humanoid type creatures, strange animals, strange plants, magical objects, machines, armour, weapons, bizarre weather and incredible events.

Ideas for you to consider.

Perhaps, ManHound would have the nose and ears of a dog, as a dog's sense of smell and sense of hearing is better than ours.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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