Getting an ending that makes sense

by Bethany Osguthorpe
13th April 2012

I finally manage to actually finish writing a short story, though I wasn't happy with the ending. I gave it to my family members and they agreed, they said it was way to abrupt that they got really into the story and then it suddenly ended. I'm curious as to what anyone else thinks about writing a good ending.


Haha, perhaps. I got an ending down at the moment I'm quite happy with, still need someone else to read it though, I've left it completely open so I can continue with it if I want (:

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330 points
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Bethany Osguthorpe

Maybe... it shouldn't be just a short story - it might be a book :)

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T. O.
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Thanks for the answers!

Victoria W - I think that was one of my problems, I couldn't make everything fall into place with those few words. I'll probably try drawing out the ending like Victoria Limbert suggested. I've been reading all of those stories, have to admit I particularly liked Ghosted, I'll read it again and pay more attention to the ending.

I hardly ever write short stories myself Afsaneh! Usually its just snippets of ideas I've had that I never actually get round to finishing. Luckily with this I don't have a word limit I'm worried about (they ask for between 2000-8000 words) I have dragged out the middle of my story a bit, I might find that if I went back and made it nice and tight I might find I have a better ending (:

Jane - Yes, they said that it felt like there should be more to the story. Its not that I got stuck, after all I did kind of know how I wanted to end it, just not when or how. I'll definitely by reading it through a couple hundred more times! There are 2 major characters, and another 2 semi major ones.

Profile picture for user bethany-_14704
330 points
Developing your craft
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Speculative Fiction
Bethany Osguthorpe