Getting an ending that makes sense

by Bethany Osguthorpe
13th April 2012

I finally manage to actually finish writing a short story, though I wasn't happy with the ending. I gave it to my family members and they agreed, they said it was way to abrupt that they got really into the story and then it suddenly ended. I'm curious as to what anyone else thinks about writing a good ending.


Hi Bethany,

I find that I have a similar problem especially when the word limit is less than what I am used to writing. I have to leave a few days at least and then go back to it. I often find that in this time I have managed to come up with a way of reworking it. Sometimes I have to rework the whole thing to get a more natural ending. I know that you probably don't want to hear that but I suggest leaving it alone for a wee while and forget about it almost and do something else and then hopefully when you go back to it then an alternative ending will appear.

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