Grammar in Published books

by Ninette Hartley
22nd June 2013

I'm reading a very good book right now, I started it just the other day. I'm enjoying it immensely but the writer keeps using the this expression,

she's sat....we are sat....

I'm sure this is wrong and it should be she's sitting or we are sitting...but perhaps I'm wrong.

I haven't come across him writing, ...I was sat...


I'm not even sure what conjugation of the verb this is I just know when I hear it or read it then it grates inside my head. Why would an editor let this go?

Any suggestions out there? Am I being too finicky?


Hi Ninette,

Is it written in first person?

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Hi Ninette, I wonder is this wording coming up regular through the book do you think, or is it just a editor not doing his/her job correctly.

If it is coming up regularly then it might be one of two things, a) the writer and editor are both lazy and hope people like yourself won't be bothered to pick it up. and then there is b) The writer may have some literary disability with a mild form of dyslexia.

I'm not trying to cover for the writer but just look at all the possibilities of why this is might of happened.

I must hold my hands up as I have previously stated, My grammar is of a very poor standard and I'm unsure, if it is down to me having a mild form of dyslexia. Or if it was down to the teaching methods of the English teachers in the 70's who taught in a particular form which has now been looked upon as bad teaching practice.

I am not sure either way but I understand if something doesn't sound right no matter what the writing skills of the writer are. It should be pointed out.

Good for you for getting it of your chest, pardon the phrasing please. I thank you my friend.

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Thanks for your feedback, it's interesting...the phrases in question were not dialogue but narrative...I can accept anything when it's dialogue as it's portraying the voice of the character. Also the phrase...I was sat...wasn't actually written in the book, at least I haven't come across it yet.

Ah well. I'll get over it.

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