Help- How long do I wait for an agent responce?

by Kimberley Stevens
4th November 2013

Hi, an agent asked me for a full manuscript, however he has had it for 6 weeks now and still I have not received any answer. I know that as of two weeks ago he hasn't had a chance to read it (he emailed me). How long should I be waiting for a response. Should it be soon or what. I have no idea what to do (send an enquiring email or remain silent).

This is stressing me out even more because I will be moving house within the next week and half the contact information on my submission will be wrong. Any ideas on what I should do about this?

Please help, and thanks for any responses :)


Hi ,

I agree with Russell. I certainly wouldn't ring up an agent. They are usually snowed under.

I would send him a brief, polite e-mail, updating him on your new address and maybe just ask if he has had an opportunity to take a look at it yet.

Good luck - your writing obviously stands out, to attract the attention of an agent - so keep going!



Profile picture for user julie.sh_22933
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Julie Shackman


I wouldn't recommend you call the agent (they usually don't appreciate that) but sending them a simple email with your change of address and the date it will take place should be fine (it may even prompt them to update you on their progress.)

I've had my MS read by several agents and I'm afriad it's a slow process. The longest time was 5 months (the agent eventually came back to me and suggested changes) and the shortest was 4 weeks. Remember that agents spend most of their time doing work for their existing clients (as you'd hope they'd do for you if you sign with them) so they're often reading your MS in their spare time - it could take 2 months just to pick it up.

Usually they say if you've heard nothing after 3 months, you should send a polite query asking if they've had a chance to read your MS. Remember also that if they haven't asked for an exclusive, then you can keep sending to other agents (just remember to tell them if someone else asks for the MS and inform any subsequent requesters that someone else also has it - that way you keep things honest and above board.

Also - you've passed the first hurdle and gotten an agent to request your full MS. Even if they are not interested, you're obviously doing something right. Best of luck!


Profile picture for user arioch66_8656
270 points
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Russell Sanderson

Can't you call the agent? Perhaps easier than a mail. If your manuscript was long, it might take him a few more weeks to complete it? I would leave it for as long as possible before the move and then contact him.

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