Help- How long do I wait for an agent responce?

by Kimberley Stevens
4th November 2013

Hi, an agent asked me for a full manuscript, however he has had it for 6 weeks now and still I have not received any answer. I know that as of two weeks ago he hasn't had a chance to read it (he emailed me). How long should I be waiting for a response. Should it be soon or what. I have no idea what to do (send an enquiring email or remain silent).

This is stressing me out even more because I will be moving house within the next week and half the contact information on my submission will be wrong. Any ideas on what I should do about this?

Please help, and thanks for any responses :)


Agents do hold the upper hand, and most receive many applications. I think this vulnerable position we find ourselves in, having to pander to an agent, makes us cautious and decide not to proceed too hastily. It's quite unnatural really.

I sent my book to a selection of agents who accept email submissions, and because I'm based in the UK, they were all UK based agents. They all acted differently. One or two replied that they had received it and would get back to me in due course. Most had replied within 6 to 8 weeks.

Now they've all responded, and rejected it, I would have no hesitation emailing them to find out what they thought of my book.

Firstly, don't expect too much. That way you won't be too deflated if they decide not to represent you. However, they have asked for it, so they should respond.

You could try giving them a nudge, by emailing the agent and saying:

Dear whatever,

As I haven't heard from you, I feel a little bit in limbo. I was wondering: is my book perhaps not to your taste? I would prefer to use you (or your company), and would appreciate any comments and critique about my book.

Please respond as soon as possible so that I can decide what my next course of action should be.

Regards Kimberley.

It's your call.

Best wishes - Maurice

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Hi Kimberley,

I would leave it till the day before you move then send him an email... or drop him a line. He should have you email address I trust.

what a good way to have to get in touch. Dear agent just dropping you a line to inform you of my new address. or you could do it now. I wish you all the best.


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