How did you inspire to write?

by Jeferson Bello
5th August 2013

Hi everyone! In this time I want to know how did you inspire for write – the inspiration come for itself? Or you need sit down for hours hoping of it come to you?

In my case is a combination of both. Sometimes it come to me suddenly and other times I need sit down for HOURS until I get the idea that I needed. But the major part of time it come to me when I start to talk soliloquy with myself.



Well I always put on a pot of coffee when Im starting something BIG. Mostly inspiration hits us from the actions in our life. What we see, or feel, or converse with others. When you are alone you are allowed to organize your thoughts creatively. If your out and the idea hits you, and you cant channel the creative cause your doing "what ever". That is also inspiration "feeling". Don't sit in a room waiting for it to come, you will get bored and start second guessing your self. Don't also be so busy that you don't allow for creative time. Its a balance. Inspiration is fun, exciting, the great unknown! Don't take the fun out of it. If you don't feel like sitting down to do work, put on your favorite song and dance. It sounds crazy, but you will go back and feel refreshed. Don't over think it, just do it worry if its good or bad later. A good book to read is "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon. You will be able to read it in a day and he has some great thoughts about creative life.

Invest in a pocket journal, it will become your best friend when "inspiration" hits on one those busy days.

Keep creatively fun!

Liz Cleaves

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Hum, this is a curious one for me.

I've currently paused submissions due to a rejection with some very valid critique. This has led to a revision, cutting. Necessary but brutal. Summer hols kicked in and so child free time is but a distant dream.

So I let it go. Rearranged my entire book collection. Felled an Elder with nowt but a rusty saw, plastic towel and pick axe. Started reading 'A Brief History of Time'. Looked through old pictures on my laptop, mathematical patterns in architecture and the passing of time in memories, which led to reminiscing ghost stories.

I was inspired. Now I feel a bit more refreshed and focused for the revision this week.

I also talk to myself all the time. Working out a piece of dialogue under my breath in a cafe, noting the mannerisms of the other customers (who occasionally look askance at me...until they see the pen and paper. Then the curious but embarrassed shuffle as they battle with the urge to read.) :)

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I was inspired by an idea I had as a child. It manifested to the surface from time-to-time. It chipped at my mind until I was forced to act. I am now editing and revising my manuscript for the umpteenth time.

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