How did you inspire to write?

by Jeferson Bello
5th August 2013

Hi everyone! In this time I want to know how did you inspire for write – the inspiration come for itself? Or you need sit down for hours hoping of it come to you?

In my case is a combination of both. Sometimes it come to me suddenly and other times I need sit down for HOURS until I get the idea that I needed. But the major part of time it come to me when I start to talk soliloquy with myself.


I simply had an idea, something I have had for a while.

I guess I am lucky in that respect.

I am also very fortunate that my work gave me the chance to write as it came to me. But I find not trying to write when you have nothing to write helps. It flows much easier for me when I don't try so hard

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I find a lot of inspiration from reading books similar to what I'm hoping my idea will be like. Or music. Music for me brings a lot of emotions, and with the emotions ideas for scenes in my novels. I also find inspiration for my writing from the weather, and sometimes watching T.V. :)

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Interesting - talking soliloquy with yourself! Haven't done that before.

Personally, when I look for inspiration it usually doesn't come. Sometimes the spark comes from the least likely places, for example, during my History GCSE a particular question made a spark in my mind and I went off into a thirty minute daydream, abandoned my exam and wrote a memo to myself on the test paper before finishing it off.

Before going asleep, that's a big one for me too. When I read, hear or watch something an idea just usually comes to me and I write it down straight away. Other times, when I need a little bit of motivation, I read articles about writing, think 'I can do that!' and then try to prove I can. Particularly useful at the moment, waiting nervously for exam results next week, and feeling no motivation whatsoever.

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