How do you knuckle down and actually start writing?

by Bethany Osguthorpe
27th September 2012

'Cause I just can't seem to do it. I'll have an idea, maybe two, and I'll like them. I'll want to sit down and write and write like I actually have some sort of clue as to what I'm doing. I'll have an image in my mind of me maybe 10 chapters in and still going strong. Maybe I'll even have a plan to follow, like I'm actually organised. But, in reality, I might write one or two sentences - a paragraph if I'm lucky - and then stop. I'll be browsing the internet, doing absolutely nothing. Its frustrating, but once I start doing nothing, I then have nothing to write down, so the procrastinating continues.

How do you start writing, and then continue to do so?


Ah, the lure of all that nothing to do. It's a killer.

The old Cyril Connolly quote used to be:

"There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall."

I think the modern day equivalent could be

"There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the wifi in the room."

What I do is take my notebook or laptop to the local library and sit there in public, at the desk, with no internet connection and people who will give me strange looks if I sit there doing nothing.

Works wonders. I have written my novel now after adopting this approach. :)

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