How far are you into you novel?

by Adrian Sroka
23rd December 2012

I am about to start editing the last section of my chivalric romantic novel which has elements of fantasy.

What do find the most difficult aspects of writing a novel?


For me, the hardest part of novel writing is the final scene. I find it very hard to get the tone just right with all of the loose ends tied up. I also find it a challenge to tie up/edit out subplots which have started but which have been forgotten about. But the worst of all for me is procrastination whilst editing. I loathe doing it, but I know that I have to and so do... but generally not without a chocolate cake or something similar next to me to give me incentive to stay there and stick with it. (10 pages = 1 choccy biccy in this world).

Profile picture for user robswrit_24154
270 points
Developing your craft
Robert Gill

I think some of the most difficult parts of writing a novel are giving the characters enough time for development, fixing inevitable plot holes and having the drive to start writing when you really don't feel like it. The last one sounds like a little thing, but it's the problem that can be the most difficult to deal with sometimes. I just tell myself I'm going to write for 5 minutes, and most of the time I end up writing more.

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330 points
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Alex Smith

Right now I'm retyping up the last two chapters since I lost the last five a while ago, and as I do so, I make minor edits. But once I've done this, I'll start editing. I have somewhat started my second book, but that's being put on hold until I feel like my first is finished.

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330 points
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