How much do you write a day?

by Kimberley Stevens
30th July 2013

I know that this can vary from person to person and on your mood and the day, but how much do you, on average, write a day while you work on you manuscript?

Thanks :)


The only time I've ever actually counted was NaNoWriMo last year. I completed the 50k words in about 3 weeks. I think I was averaging 2500 words a day. I'd completed the 70k+ word novel by the end of the month. That was moderately normal, but I've slowed down a little since. Still, it takes me no more than 6 weeks to do a 95k book. I'm not writing high literature or complex thrillers, I'm storytelling.

(Of course, the average goes down some if you include time to run through and edit the document after production.)

Profile picture for user ravenswi_1778
270 points
Developing your craft
Niall Teasdale

I find I usually do 500-1000 words when I am actively producing a book.

If I am just kicking ideas around it will be 200-350.

Sometimes a dealine presses and you produce more because you have to.

Profile picture for user maryjord_10453
270 points
Developing your craft
Mary Jordan

It ranges from 50 words to thousands depending on how good you feel about a certain part of the book. I don't write in chronological order a lot of the time, I just write the chapter I feel best about that day in my head and I'm way more productive than if I'm forcing myself to revisit/write a part of the story I'm not in the mood for.

I also think it's important to not write anything sometimes, and not beat yourself up about it. Plus I think it helps to factor in about a month where you don't think about the book at all. Then when you go back to it you're fresh, and you notice all the things which sound wrong but didn't compute when you were just slogging through.

Profile picture for user ABSmith
330 points
Starting out
Short stories
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Middle Grade (Children's)
Picture Books (Children's)
Speculative Fiction
Popular science, Social science, Medical Science
Practical and Self-Help
Gothic and Horror
Autobiography, Biography and Memoir
Alex Smith