Motivation, please

by M.K. Rasmussen
20th November 2012

I'm disillusioned right now. I need a whole lotta motivation, so whoever's got something to give, please do.


I've been stuck on a single chapter for two weeks. Everything I write seems to go nowhere. So I've been going back over my research to see if something jumps out: anything, really, to help me get going again.

Something will, if I just keep at it.

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Jonathan Hopkins

Hey there,

Well, if it helps, I can offer some solidarity seeing as how I am in the same place at the moment.

I am editing my first draft and have been stuck in some sort of editorial groundhog day, going over the first three chapters, and trying, again and again, to feel thrilled by it all.

To no avail.

My mind refuses to engage with the book.

And this, after taking a three month break to stand aside from it and then approach it with fresh eyes.

Uh huh.

So far I have been extremely productive elsewhere. Miscellaneous blog posts, inane jabbering in comments sections of national newspapers, short stories galore (well, 3 so far). I am doing everything I can to keep my manuscript at arms length.

I now have sore knees as well, because I keep going for a run, in some vain attempt to ward off the frustration of yet another day passing by and me, having failed (again!) to get down to work.

Today I bought paper and an ink cartridge and printed the whole 300 page MS. Seeing it there, in the flesh, made me realise how far I have come and how much work I have put into this thing. I should not give up on it now at the final stretch.

So, blue pen in hand, I will head to the library and get cracking. I have until Christmas to accomplish this (a self set deadline).

If anything, my poor knees will be glad of the break :-)

I sympathise M.K.

This writing malarkey is not for the fainthearted.

You are not alone. That is all I can say.

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I suggest you read some quality books on the genre you are writing. Preferably by award-winning authors. 10-15 pages a day will help to motivate you .

I read a poem each day. It would be helpful if you can find poetry about the genre you are writing. I find poetry inspiring. It's surprising how a poem, or a single line of poetry can get the creative juices flowing.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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