Novel written in a series of Letters

by Christina Howland
30th March 2012

Has anyone ever written a novel or short story in a series of letters and have you found it easier or more difficult to do it this way?


I've never written as novel. I have written a short story in the form of diaries and letters and I absoloutley love dracula. I think that it is more difficult to write in that format, because you have to find a realistic 'diary/letter voice' which means you can't describe the things you need to in the same kind of detail. I think you have to be a really confident writer to try it and succeed

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I think I've written two, now. Yes. The first one was a genuine collection of letters to a real person so actually 'read' better because I had a 'reader' in mind, and the second was not so good because the characters were fake, and all the anxiety about writing to a complete stranger was there, but without the impetus of passion. I like letters because they're very enclosed and private and the dynamic is one of dialogue (even with no replies), while with a traditional novel, the audience is vast, unknown, and the story more anonymous. On the whole, though, I think letters are more of a sign of insecurity unless you're very skilled and are using it a device. I've just remembered there's a third book of letters in fact. Those are more romantic.

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