Oh no!

by Victoria Constant
16th July 2013

Over the past couple of weeks I have become increasingly exhausted and have found I haven't been able to find he energy to write, and what I do write doesn't seem to me to be as good as I'd like (as with my recent poem I have uploaded) has anyone got any advice on hoe to get back into the swing of writing as often as I used to? I feel so odd being too tired to write o.O it's never happened before :(


Oops! I meant to write "I hope"...

But you can hope too!

And - to be really creepy... "Hope" is something that we can all do - Surely we do it when we write?

Don't we all start out on a piece of writing hoping (to at least some degree) that it will work and be a good piece?

And if it doesn't? Then we change plan and do something else... Writing always goes on - unless we choose to give up on it - but it's a lot more fun discovering what crazy / unexpected / un-planned-for thing comes along next...

Going back to the physical effort comparison... After your brain has been pushing and shoving to reach a target for months (and this can apply to a big writing effort as well as study) - then let it have some days off! Let it veg out (or whatever the cuurent phrase is)... Give it a break! Then have a bit of fun! Refresh the millions of cells and pathways.

Then get stuck into all that working really hard you should be doing 110% of the time!


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If I may quote... "...as I am going to university soon and will be far from my friends and family so I'm worried about that and my results."

No - that wouldn't do it... That's going to be a whole new lot of stuff you have never done before... and one thing to do will be to just - write about it... Of course you could write about what it feels like now? Maybe use neither of these efforts in anything now - but put them by for future reference - you might later find that you can use or adapt them into something...

So - what could be making you feel exhausted? (Apart from the weather).

If you're now waiting results you must have spent at least the first half of this year working up to and doing exams... Then all that pressure went off... Nah! That couldn't be a reason for flaking out either - could it?

Ever done a few days'really hard physical work and the had a free day? Clearly you will then have gone leaping around full of energy - like we all do...

Exams? Your "whole future" depending on them? Going into a completely new life?

Nah! All that's a doddle. You should be writing at least 100k words a day...

Hope the results are good - hope you get the place you want... And - when you get there - keep in mind - 99% of the other Freshpeople will be just as raw and uncertain as you are - they'll also be working like crazy to look cool and not show it...

I can recall these things (just)... And we had dinosaurs roaming the campus back then...


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Well, I'd suggest what I call 'Back to the Basics'. It helps a lot.(At least for me)

Firstly go to a (Preferably)dark and solitary place, with a good amount of silence.(could be a room in your house at night- for example). Sit down quietly, close your eyes and focus, focus on those few things that drive you to write.

-Your true purpose and reasons for writing.

Now list all those reasons and purposes in your mind, and clearly picture them.

-Why you have to write or want to write?

-What do you hope achieve through it?

-The outcomes or consequences of your writing

Go on listing. After you have, go get yourself a piece of paper and list them down.

Now looking at the list and imagine each of them, one by one and then- sit down to write.

This is when your will to write is most high. So, what ever you feel, just force yourself to think about your purpose and your story only and start writing. The beginning may seem a little tricky but when you go on, it just gets better and better.

Slowly, get in to the habit of writing again.

Hope this helps

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