Paying for book reviews

by Jeremy Gavins
23rd April 2018

My book is at the printers so I should be a self-published author by the end of the month.

Now begins the advertising campaign. Well it actually began about 6 months ago but now it gets serious.

I have come across a number of book review services who charge for their reviews. Is it worth it using these or should I just hope that I can get good reviews from the actual book buying public?


It sounds as though you are already getting endorsements from some good places, Jeremy, and you can quote them on your book's Amazon page.

What you're doing is brave and honest, and you know that to some people it will be a threat because they are scared of, or disapprove of, the content; but that's nothing that you haven't experienced before, and by standing up and telling your story you're showing that you came through whatever they threw at you.

I wish you the very best of luck with your book, and lots of sales - and congratulations!


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Thank you Jonathan. I will not pay for any reviews.

Profile picture for user jeremyga_40499
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Jeremy Gavins

I was only specifically asking about paying for reviews. I don't think I will need to, I just wondered if they would help the cause.

The book is a memoir. It tells the life story of a boy who was tortured to the point of having a disastrous breakdown in an NHS mental hospital 45 years and the long road it took for the man to recover.

The book, 'Is it about that boy?' has been well received up to now. Short-listed for a literary prize last year, didn't win but I think my tears whilst reading a section of it at the prize-giving ceremony touched a lot of people.

I have a small following on FB and Twitter, and a well spread world of friends, relations, contacts in USA, Canada, Europe and the far east.

Even my local NHS Authority want to do a press release with me.

I am not sure how much local publicity I take on, though I have support from local radio and TV. The content of the book is such that I am opening my life, my loves, my internal thoughts to the whole world and I must say I am a little scared of the prospect.

Profile picture for user jeremyga_40499
330 points
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Jeremy Gavins