Poem/workshop help please

by Daphne Milne
27th December 2016

Bit of a cheeky plea. I've been asked to do a workshop on Beginnings mid January, can anyone suggest any poems that would fit the theme. I've got a couple and have several soppy ones about babies but could do with something more muscular. Any suggestions would be muchappreciated. Thank you. DM


Does it have to be a FAMOUS poem? May I write one (to be famous in the future) for you? What day in January do you need it?

Thinking this through... hmmm... I could use one poem for your workshop AND for the StrangerInAStrangeLand project! You're a GENIUS, Jimmy!

For those wondering (about the StrangerInAStrangeLand project, not about my genius: everybody on this site is clear about that ;p), the link again: la-granota.com/stranger.htm

e-mail: stranger at (@) la-granota.com

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Ted Hughes, Walter De la Mare, Robert Frost and Alfred Lord Tennyson are worth consideration. Susie Smith if you're looking for a more contemporary poet.

Its important to select poems that your group will enjoy. Start off with short poems and gradually move towards longer more challenging forms.

Reading poetry should be a pleasure not a mind-bendingly hard struggle. It's pointless reading poems you neither understand or enjoy.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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