Polishing a terd.

by Sophie Barlow
22nd April 2013


Once one has edited, re-edited, posted up for feedback, edited some more, revised and re-edited again....And feels that they may have something that is not too embarrassing to send to agents( not really in the hope of publishing but just to gauge a reaction).

How many of you carry on editing the rest of the book to the same standard? I have been going through the book and editing over the edits and such. Should we all just focus on the first three chapters in the hope that if its published an editor will help polish the rest?

Not an excuse, I know, and I am going to carry on going through my MS because I'm enjoying the challenge. But I'm wondering what best practice is?


If I were in your shoes right now, I'd take a break from this particular project. Put it away for two or even three weeks. Some top authors would recommend a month or more. Don't even look at it. Write something else, a few short stories, poems or anything that will take your mind away from your current project.

Then, after your 'break' have one read through with fresh eyes and note anything you are unhappy with along the way. Edit these (if any) and then pack it up and submit to the agent.

Should you be successful, a publisher will very likely suggest further revision anyway, regardless of how many re-writes you have done. Nothing to do with your writing, its just how they do things.

Sometimes, it does help to walk away and take a time out over ones writing.

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How long is a piece of string? It is your book, your need to be happy with it.

I am basically where you are at, but I would never send anything to an agent that was incomplete from my point of view. That way, because I am happy with what I have wirtten, the rejections will be easier to bear!

Give your self a deadline date. Mine is the end of May. Then that is it, no more personal rewrites...

All the best,


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