Print Publishing After Web Publishing?

by Jane Shannahan
14th April 2012

Hello. If I have self-published my book on my own site as well as Amazon, am I able, at a later time, allowed to get it published in print with a mainstream publisher (getting a bit ahead of myself here I know!)? Thanks.


meant to type "question is not whether" ...could I sell

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the question has now become 'could i sell a million books on e-pub" (which of course I can't!) because on another site I was told that no matter what happened, no respectable publisher would look at someone who had gone that route because they (the publisher) would not have had 'first rights' . Also, a print house would not be able to 'trust' the author who might go racing back to e-pub in the future.... all getting a bit muddly now. To iterate, I am not going to kid myself I would ever be taken up by a print pub so at least I can get a limited satisfaction from just seeing the title on Amazon somewhere.!

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Hi Jane,

I'm with Victoria on the get the professional editing to iron out those little things. I know that no matter how many times I re-edit that there is a few things that I will always miss and another set of eyes will pick up on.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

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