
by Stevie Broadwood
4th October 2016

I've been checking out the Agents' lists mainly London. I'm just wondering if anyone can recommend an Agent, from experience?

I'm after one who doesn't require an experienced writer because I have my first and only book nearly completed. It's Narrative non-fiction. Thank you.


Hello Lorraine Swoboda

Fingers crossed for you re your first novel getting published.

That's how I am now, convinced it's perfect, apart from tweaking a chapter.

You're mind must be flooded with words to enable you to be on three novels at once.

I feel my head's going to burst if I don't write. Mine is facts and revenge, threaded with the innocent misbehaviour of when I was a child just to add some half normality to it.

Lorraine, thank you for your honesty, and sound advice, which I'll definitely keep in mind. Thanks again.

Profile picture for user stevieib_37047
270 points
Ready to publish
Stevie Broadwood

Hello Karen Hedges

Yes, I am still thinking about self publishing. Now with the advice i've received, I will check it all out with an editor beforhand. I'm looking forward to that stage of designing the cover. I hope to use Amazon and basically any online book selling company. Thank you for your suggestion about the book by Emily Summers. I promise I will have a look. Thanks again.

Profile picture for user stevieib_37047
270 points
Ready to publish
Stevie Broadwood

Have you thought of self publishing via Amazon? There are many books out there and maybe it would be worthwhile having a look at a book by Emily Summers (Amazon). You need to make your cover eyecatching and a readable story inside. I would also suggest having someone read it through first - someone via work/friend of a friend perhaps.

Profile picture for user Karen2021
235 points
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Short stories
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The publishing process
Popular science, Social science, Medical Science
Literary agents
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Karen Hedges