Sending chapters to an agent

by Clare Williams
20th June 2017

Hi everyone, just wondering what your thoughts are on sending chapters to an agent. My chapters could be quite short, or could be grouped together to be fairly long. Do I send 3 short chapters in the hope they want to read more, or 3 longer chapters to give them as much story as possible?

Thanks in advance


Hia Clare. Agents will be quite specific about the number of chapters, maximum word count etc. on their website. You might find their idea of 3 chapters is closer to your 3 short chapters and, if it is, it saves you the dilemma!

For my part I've only received polite rejections so far, but my chapters are long and my total submission was close to their limit (possibly over it in one case). If you get more positive results with small chapters please let me know!


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