Shared Work - How Are You Finding It?

by David Shakes
13th June 2013

I really love reading the work of others on here. I must confess that I don't always have the time to comment effectively on them, and yet I feel disappointment when my own submissions garner very little comment.

What are people's general experiences of the Shared Work section - has it been useful or more of a social tool ?


I would rather get a string of negative comments on a piece of shared work than no comments at all. I think that most people share work because they genuinely want criticism - I am always very hesitant to post suggestions because I don't want to come across as though I think I know better than the writer, but I don't think people see it that way. Has anyone ever had a bad reaction to a piece of criticism they've given on this site? I certainly haven't seen any. I have been given ideas that I personally don't agree with, but I appreciate the fact that people have read my work and felt sufficiently interested to comment, good or bad.

I'm going to put it out there that I'm sure we've all clicked on a piece of shared work and had as our honest initial reaction, 'don't give up your day job'. Obviously, a comment along these lines would be unhelpful and insensitive. If I honestly can't find anything good about someone's writing, then I won't flatter them with false praise by leaving a positive comment, and nor will I be unkind by leaving a negative one. Every comment I have left on this site has been out of genuine interest and admiration - I only comment on work that I like. If I tentatively think I could offer suggestions, then I'll do so.

I completely agree - it's really disappointing when your work doesn't generate interest!

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I was disappointed to see that so few people have commented on my shared work, which is around 500 words. It is not a complaint, I realise I'm not entitled to more because I hardly can say I have commented on other's shared work as much as I should. Sometimes I don't have the time, but it is more often that I read the work and don't really know what to say. I appreciate honesty and well-intended advice. I wish people would say more often what they really think. Surely, that doesn't mean that they are always right, but it does show a real interest on their part. And, of course, I would appreciate the opinion of people with more experience, though I do understand their reluctance. It's time-consuming and probably doesn't bring any satisfaction whatsoever.

I do agree with you, Gordon. Sometimes, a few words of encouragement can do a lot as well, especially when they are honest. And I regret not leaving any comment at all, when I could have easily given a sign that, at least, I have read the work.

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Oh dear, I've only just joined. I put a very small bit of shared work out there and got some very nice comments - Writing can be quite a lonely business; I count myself lucky in having people around me who I can show my written work to, not everyone is in that position. .I teach - so I spend a lot of my time assessing my students work For me it is absolutely nothing to do with having my ego stroked. I was just curious to see if what I plan to write could possibly be what others may enjoy reading. I am not aiming for the 'Booker Prize'. I was actually advised to do this by an extremely successful and well known author. I think the whole idea of 'sharing work' is to get some genuine feedback from like minded people. We all joined this site because we enjoy writing. Incidentally , Adrian, are you a budding author or planning to be a literary critic?

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