Shared Work - How Are You Finding It?

by David Shakes
13th June 2013

I really love reading the work of others on here. I must confess that I don't always have the time to comment effectively on them, and yet I feel disappointment when my own submissions garner very little comment.

What are people's general experiences of the Shared Work section - has it been useful or more of a social tool ?


Hi David, I do think the whole point of shared work is to let and get others views of your work.

If people haven't the time to read at most 3,000 words, which not every shared work carries. Then why are they on a site that is here to try to promote new and upcoming writers.

We all like praise, this is what spurs us on. Yet we also need to see our shortfalls and where we can learn from our mistakes.

Its just how you tell someone, about their mistakes. That is the point where constructive critique can become destructive in its method of use. The pen is mightier than the sword, and can just do as much damage.

I like you David don't always have enough time to read every shared piece of work posted. So to try to be fair, I will read those who have not had any views posted or very little views. To me it is these writers that are seeking the advice and praise if possible.

But back to your question David, I do think there are people who don't really care one way or the other and use this site to stroke their own ego's.

just to spend 10 min's to read, and a few words of encouragement can go along way in helping somebody to feel good about themselves. How hard can that be?

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I do not view the shared work often. Most people who post shared work are in search of praise.

I am not an expert. However, I believe I have a firm grasp of the aspects the novel.

I have suggested changes to shared work, and praised shared work. Yet, I am not comfortable commenting on peoples shared work. Besides, to do a constructive critique is time consuming. But when I have I always finish with words of encouragement.

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