Should you use a Pseudonym ?

by Gordon Bailey
9th April 2013

I have always wondered when you write a novel should you use your own name ? The reason I ask this is some people are not happy with the name they have. so should you use a Pseudonym to aid the sell of your book. I have also noticed there are quite a few authors who initials and surname their books, like C J Sansom, J K Rowling, P J Wodehouse, but to name a few. So what are your thoughts Pseudonym or own name ?


Did you know Spielberg originally wanted to cast an American kid as Harry? When Jo Rowling said no, Spielberg quit.


Getting back to the subject, my surname is a bit of a problem in that no one ever knows how to pronounce it (and if they do manage to pronouce it they then can't spell it) but as it makes my name entirely unique (there really isn't another Victoria Whithear anywhere!) I can definitely live with it :D

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I would prefer to use my full name with initial, Michael S Anstead

One thing about the J K Rowling thing that would annoy me mostly, apart from the fact that a lot of people did not realise she was a woman, is that I have spoken with American kids who thought that she was American and asked why the movies where set in Scotland and not in America. That would eat at me more than having my name on the cover or not

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Just a minor point -

In the UK you can use any name you want at any time - provided that it is not for a fraudulent purpose. You do not have to register it or do anything formal with it.

That said - I would be very careful to let HM Customs and Revenue know any alternative name I might choose to use as soon as it looked as if I might start to have income under that name.

I suppose that it is also (at least) polite to make any agent and/or publisher aware of both the fact that one is using a pen-name and (the important bit) what your "regular" name - and the name on your bank account for them to send money to - is...


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