I once considered getting a headset that would type out words that I was saying onto the computer instead of me typing when I started my book, just to help out however decided that I would hate having to clarify words and think about formulating words while I was in the 'flow'. I just wondered would other people prefer speaking to typing?
I love typing. .It has been a great aid in my story writing as I am not looking at the keys when I type.
I'll have to stay with writing/typing since I'm not always clear when I speak and when it comes to writing a story sometimes I pause for quite some time to think of what to put next.
I once tried this method for writing university essays and dissertations and found that it made it more work in both the original drafting and later edits as I was forever correcting mistakes it had made. At least with typing I could ensure that the intended words were used in the original draft rather than the amusing mistakes the speech recognition software would make. That, in turn, made the edit a lot easier when it finally came to performing that (much dreaded) task.