I once considered getting a headset that would type out words that I was saying onto the computer instead of me typing when I started my book, just to help out however decided that I would hate having to clarify words and think about formulating words while I was in the 'flow'. I just wondered would other people prefer speaking to typing?
I have to admit I am more of a typer than a speaker. The only time I am in the flow with speaking is when I'm working with my friends birds of prey and then I can talk for scotland. Mainly about the owls I readily admit.
Hi Lily
I'm a visual learner so I definitely prefer typing. There's something wonderful about seeing the written word that motivates me. If I were to use a voice recognition system I would probably lose track of where I was and just ramble on. Putting thoughts on paper through typing or writing orders my brain and keeps me focussed.
Speaking rather than typing would make life easier, but you'd still have to go back and edit before it became the finished article, wouldn't you?