Taboo Subjects.

by Gordon Bailey
13th April 2013

This is just one of those questions that pops in your head and you just want to know what others think and feel. So here we go. Is there any subject matter that you as a writer feel is Taboo or should not really be tackled.


Anything you feel uncomfortable with might be taboo for your readers.

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David, your response made me chuckle! I agree with everything you said, but I found the bit about the cat funny because it reminded me of myself!

If I'm watching a film and humans die, I'm completely unconcerned and unaffected by it, but if an animal dies, I have to shut my eyes and fast forward.. especially if it's a cat or dog.

Some really interesting responses here.

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No subject should be taboo. However there are many emotive subjects that the average person is frightened to discuss, or simply cannot face.

For example, I am against gay adoption, because I am a advocate of children's rights, but I don't give a damn about gay marriage.

I am against any religion or culture that treats women as unequal, and uses children as weapons of war. Unfortunately we see more examples of this in poorer countries where religion dominates the culture.

We are advised or told not talk about sensitive issues because it is not politically correct. In some cases it has cost people their jobs. This is BOLLOCKS. What ever happened to freedom of speech.

Political correctness and positive discrimination is not democratic. They are unnecessary evils.

I salute those ground breaking authors who have rightly upset the establishment during their lifetimes.

Dickens books were responsible for much social reform. Hardy fared worse than Dickens when he wrote, Tess of the D'urbervilles. It caused so much controversy that he turned to poetry and stopped writing novels. There have been many brave traditional authors who have resisted the establishment and championed social justice. I hope that it always continues.

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