Taboo Subjects.

by Gordon Bailey
13th April 2013

This is just one of those questions that pops in your head and you just want to know what others think and feel. So here we go. Is there any subject matter that you as a writer feel is Taboo or should not really be tackled.


I can't think of anything, so I'd say, no.

I think that's the beauty of writing, you can tackle highly controversial subjects. I think, if done correctly it isn't an issue. Personally if I were to tackle a "taboo" subject I'd make sure I'd researched it thoroughly and understood it. I think a certain amount of mediation is necessary too and being aware of at all times of the audience. I mean, 9/11 was a taboo subject in the film industry after it occurred, people didn't start making films about it for several years because it would be insensitive to make a film about it so soon afterwards.

The TV show glee was criticized a few weeks ago for an episode in which a crazy gun man was loose in the school or something and the families of The Sandy Hook victims were deeply upset by it and said it was too soon.

I suppose, though, with writing, you can write about controversial, taboo subjects. Ian McEwan's "cement garden" features a scene incestuous in nature, where two siblings have sex. Personally, besides being disgusting, I'd call that controversial, but where writing's concerned I think it's okay to be. That's what makes writing and reading so enjoyable.

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In a word No. I think its a writers duty to supply a healthy delving into the darkest areas of humanity, thus helping the population to feel they don't have to go and do these horrific things for themselves. Society is full of taboos, writing helps these social structures to stay in place by allowing people to see it all from the comfort of their bedrooms.

I dont want to go so far as to say everybody is a closet pervert, but we all like to read about one.

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