Total honesty please!

by Dorry Lawlor-Hudson
20th February 2013

For those of you who have taken the time to read my shared work 'Bless Me Father', I would gratly appreciate a totally honest answer on whether my style of writing - which is the story told in rhyme form, is actually something you would buy, or run a mile (or more) from.

I also humbly ask those who haven't read it, if you have a spare 10 mins and would like to give it a go and answer my above question I would be so grateful.

The story currently stands at approx 50,000 words and counting.

At the moment I have someone working on fixing the punctuation, which I am really bad at! It will definatly make a huge difference to how the story reads :-)

And please, if anyone responds to this, please be totally honest as 'being kind' for the sake of it will be doing me no favours :-)


Adrian thank you, I'm looking forward to taking a look at both, your help is really appreciated. Damien, again you are very supportive and encouraging. And I'm very happy that you didn't give up on Jacob Jones... a great read! That is a lot of pages to delete so your F**k it was no doubt understandable, though happily for your readers, just a fleeting thought :-)

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Hi Dorry,

I very much agree with Damien when he said 50,000 words may be slightly too long; I would be afraid I would get a bit tired of reading everything in rhyme.

However, you are brilliant at what you do and the extract I read was absolutely fantastic so I would never turn down the opportunity to read your whole book. I just worry there won't be much of a market for this kind of work as it doesn't fit in with the 'norm'.

However that is no reason to stop you from what you are doing. If it is good enough, which I happen to think it is, you should find that someone will be willing to give you the chance to publish. I don't think you should give up on something you have worked so hard on. Try and see if anyone is interested in publishing, even if they don't publish they may give you some feedback. There is always the choice of self publishing too.

Just because it doesn't seem to fit in with other books on the market, doesn't mean it won't be the one book that stands out and makes a change to the world of publishing. Dream big Dorry and don't give up just yet!


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Sorry but I don't know anything about rhyme stories. I would agree on telling the full story without the rhyme. That's what made me like it in the first place. (You have a good Voice)

You know as well as I do we have to follow our hearts. I would like to read it without the rhyme in place. I also agree with Adrian.

Don't worry I have been where you are with Jacob Jones. I deleted over 100 pages and said FxxK it. more then once.

Damien :)

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