Total honesty please!

by Dorry Lawlor-Hudson
20th February 2013

For those of you who have taken the time to read my shared work 'Bless Me Father', I would gratly appreciate a totally honest answer on whether my style of writing - which is the story told in rhyme form, is actually something you would buy, or run a mile (or more) from.

I also humbly ask those who haven't read it, if you have a spare 10 mins and would like to give it a go and answer my above question I would be so grateful.

The story currently stands at approx 50,000 words and counting.

At the moment I have someone working on fixing the punctuation, which I am really bad at! It will definatly make a huge difference to how the story reads :-)

And please, if anyone responds to this, please be totally honest as 'being kind' for the sake of it will be doing me no favours :-)


Hi Dorry,

Sounds like you have had a bad day :(

Right to the point.

I like the way you write in rhyme form. It’s not something you see every day.

My concerns with it being 50,000 words so far might be a bit too long if I am to be honest with you.

I could see this sort of writing scaled down to a page or two and placed in a book with similar stories.

I think you need to see what the market thinks of this style of writing. Maybe do some research? At the end of the day, books are all about sales. (Sorry I am not trying to teach grandmother how to suck eggs)

Like I said, if I could buy a book that had several short stories in rhyme form then yes I think I would go for it.

You have humour to your stories and that's what makes them stand out.

Whip up a small story and upload it… see what people think then....

I hope this has helped you… and remember it’s only my opinion.


Damien x

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