Ways of Writing

by Lily Dooner
31st January 2012

I am interested to know how other people write. For example, I find the way that works best for me is handwriting my book and then re-drafting it on the computer. I know lots of people write books in very different ways, I'd be interested to hear about any other users ways of writing. Thanks!


At the moment, I am finding that I am using my phone to write notes and sometimes starting points for a chapter on my phone that way when I have I don't loose it.

Sometimes it is just notes about the characters or a detail pacing a series of events, but it is helpful to me especially with the amount of time I spend on the tube to and from work and in the tight space of the tube it works well.

I'll then email it to myself when I get home and copy/re-work it into the story/ store it in my notes folder for later.

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Anthony Scott
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At the moment, I am finding that I am using my phone to write notes and sometimes starting points for a chapter on my phone that way when I have I don't loose it.

Sometimes it is just notes about the characters or a detail pacing a series of events, but it is helpful to me especially with the amount of time I spend on the tube to and from work and in the tight space of the tube it works well.

I'll then email it to myself when I get home and copy/re-work it into the story/ store it in my notes folder for later.

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Anthony Scott
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I am a CIA writer and when I write I like to use a notebook then when I am half way through it will be drafted on Computer as for my notes I like to think that using a dictateing machine will be best for what I am writing about the CIA.

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Darren Anthony
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