When are you most productive?

by Michaela E. M. Else
24th December 2012

As we enter the back end of the year approaching christmas I find myself more productive in my writing, drawing or just pure brainstorming. Over the past few days I've created a breed sheet for the breed of horses from my novel and other creatures. I've also added another 15,000 words to the word count to the first novel (including minor editing - this is an achievement for me).

But I also find I'm more productive at my art in the mornings and my writing at night in the wee hours.

What time of day, month or year do you find yourself more productive?


When the muse strikes...the clock is an anachronistic piece of metal....when the muse strikes, I like to reward its entry into my psyche by letting it feed through me. I sometimes write very well after a martini or two....not recommended for the faint of heart....

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I love working at night.. when I least expect it it normally just flourishes then. Music is good, but it depends on my mood.. sometimes a movie is good, especially fantasy or childrens or even cartoons. I guess that could be because of colours and music and nice friendly sounds..

I also love working in the sunshine but get distracted by nature..

A nice glass of wine is good too.. the juices flow pretty well then!

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As soon as I get up in the morning. I make my coffee and drink it while I read what I wrote the day before, and then get going.

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