Why do we love physical books?

by Thomas Kavanagh
8th December 2013

How many of you prefer physical books to e-books? and if you do, why?

I'm always in two minds about physical vs. e-books, as I love physical books but know that it doesn't really make a difference to the actual story



I had planned on asking something similar-to be honest I haven't switched to Kindle as mush, except when I am travelling (the option of 10 books in one slim notepad-GREAT).

Kindle is great also for books that are difficult to buy at short notice (I live faraway from instant access to English books).

Nothing can beat the tangible feel of a paper book-the cover picture, the blurb at the back, a picture of the author sometimes, flicking through the pages and re-reading lines perhaps looked over or missed.

Kindles are great for back ups and searching. I have Stephen Fry's 'Fry Chronicles' on my iPad. Once I was searching for a particular reference in his book and had to type one word in and it bought up the page. Not so for paper books or even Kindle (whose functions are more primitive, but screen better than the iPad's).

Which makes we think we have to be careful how we present our work-some of the online critiquing sites have abysmal formats.

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Books vs eBooks

I have not yet succumbed to buying eBooks or a Kindle. I prefer to buy books on Amazon, or from the three charity shops where I live.

I pass novels on to my nieces and friends. But I keep my educational books, and my books on Poetry, Opera, Ballet, Art, History, and Biographies of famous historical figures. Many contain illustrations and photographs.

I like the physical presence of books in my home. Books on shelves have a magnetic attraction. They are in easy reach if I need to refer to them.

Books can tell you much about a person. I am interested to see what people read when I walk in their homes. I run my eyes along their bookshelves. It is a conversation starter.

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I've had to think about this & for me it goes back to childhood I think - going to the library with my mum and seeing all the shelves filled with exciting other worlds for me to discover. Ever since I've just loved everything physical about books - the look, feel, smell, seeing them on the shelves... I also like being able to easily look back and forth between the pages where necessary. Apart from that I'm a bit of a technophobe anyway.

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