Writing competitions??

by Kai Johnson
3rd September 2015

Are there any competitions that I could enter in regards to poetry or a short story? Preferably a free-to-enter-one but I don't care if I have to pay an entry fee.

Please leave a comment, thanks!


Jimmy, there is an online version of WM, and you can just buy the October edition (the one with the comp special). See details at www.writers-online.co.uk

I am aware of one website that purported to run regular comps; there was an entry fee, and it was international. The winners were put up on the site; every single one of them had been written by the same person (same errors, phraseology, voice, and strikingly similar to the work of the person running the site) and they all had English names. People had asked for results of earlier comps that were never given out.

You can't guarantee anything online, but at least if the ad appears in WM or W&A or has checkable details, you have a chance of getting what you paid for. If in doubt, google.


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Costa (coffee) run a short story competition every year and it's free to enter. The closing date for this year has passed but it might be something you want to look at for next year.

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Lorraine, I'm not resident in the UK. Is this information available on-line?

Also,your last 2 sentences are a bit ambiguous. Do you mean

One word of caution: It's better to look out for ones advertised in reputable places like W&A and WM. Not everything you see online is real. i.e. If advertised on W&A or in WM, they should be bona fide. + Online competitions are more liable to be shady than ones in the printed press.


One word of caution: look out for ones advertised EVEN in reputable places like W&A and WM. Not everything you see online is real. i.e. Be careful with ANY competition, wherever you read about it.


p.s. When I announced my publishing hut's own competition on this site, there was no vetting (as far as I could tell). I was not asked for any proof of being above board.

Of course, our competition WASN'T shady. I'm just saying.

That reminds me! New announcement coming up...

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