Writing like... yourself !

by Mehdi Kasbel
16th October 2013

Sure, I think it's harder than one could imagine

I have been influenced by so many authors, that I find myself trying to imitate, to copy, to write like !

And it, naturally, won't work, and will lead you to disppointment !

Maybe you have to pass through this before you forge your own style, freed from this tendancy of mimesis !

I would like to know your opinion about it !


Hello, Mehdi

This was my problem when I began writing. I read everything I could get my hands on (as most 'guides' say new writers should); and wound up with many different voices playing in my head while I was trying to establish my own. It was a demoralising experience because the voices of the authors I liked the most ‘sang’ to me, but when I read my work it was tuneless.

It has taken a long while to get to the place where the words I put on paper sound like me. I had a very real thrill when I hit the right note. And quite the opposite when I didn’t.

In short, everything and everyone influences us whether consciously or subconsciously. I think as writers, we need to learn to tune out the noise that strangles our voice. An important part of this is not to try to emulate another writer’s voice/style. Read their work, like their work…and then ask: How would I write this?

Regards and good luck. It WILL come.

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However hard one tries, it's very difficult to copy other author's style of writing. Ideas may be copied or more correctly, stolen. But imitation of the style is very difficult.


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My first book is a memoir so just kind of came from inside. However, the fiction side of things is very different. I had no intention of writing fiction until I had a succession of strange dreams. I think as long as you feel it, your own style come through.

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