Reserve your place at three workshops included in our online Children's & YA Fiction Festival 2022 line-up for the special combined price of £70.
W&A Admin will contact all customers booking at this special price w/c 14th February in order to confirm their workshop choices. Please note that only one workshop can be selected from each evening.
We are partnering with The Little Bookshop Leeds. Details of how to order books via our them will come included in your event joining information when this is circulated.
Festival Schedule
Monday 21st February
7-8.30pm | Writing Fantastic Fantasy Fiction: Workshop with author Aisling Fowler
7-8.30pm | Writing Authentic Historical Fiction: Workshop with author Dinah Orji
Tuesday 22nd February
7-8.30pm | Telling Your Story in YA Fiction: Workshop with author Tanya Byrne
7-8.30pm | Researching & Writing Children's Non-Fiction: Workshop with author Rashmi Sirdeshpande
Wednesday 23rd February
7-8.30pm | Creating Memorable Characters in Middle Grade Fiction: Workshop with author Piers Torday
7-8.30pm | Writing & Illustrating Picture Books: Workshop with illustrator Harry Woodgate
Selection of testimonials from our 2021 festival
"I thought the festival was wonderful - so upbeat and positive which is exactly what you want to hear when there's such a strong stigma of 'the chances of you getting published are about as high as you winning the lottery'." Grace Ball
"What a pleasure to hear from professionals in the field. Each of the workshops have given me some valuable 'take away' advice to work with." Lindsey Franklin
"Encouraging, informative, confident-boosting, enjoyable, very helpful." Carrie Steer
"Excellent. Full of insightful and practical information, giving inspiration to get plotting, writing and submitting." Lou Graham
"Professional, inspiring and totally engrossing. So much information packed into such a small time frame." Bedina
"Excellent. Very informative events with practical advice and encouragement." Sarah Giordano
All workshops are available to purchase separately. If there’s a clash with the three workshops you’d like to buy as part of our combined price offer, please contact W&A Admin with details and we’ll do our best to accommodate.
This combined workshop fee of £70 (inc. VAT) is payable in full online.
All workshops are live online events which will be presented using video conferencing software. Joining instructions and full guidance will be provided by the W&A Team a week before the event start-date.
All materials used by the speaker in the workshop session will be available for us to share with attendees at the speaker's discretion.