The Writers Bridge Platform Q&A | Building Your Book Launch Team While You Finish The Book

2nd March 2021 5:00pm to 6:00pm, Virtual Event on Zoom

It takes a village to launch a book—and building your army of friends, fans, supporters and followers happens long before publication day. Join Ashleigh Renard & Allison K Williams to discuss how to build strong team members and keep track of the people who say “let me know when your book is out!” You’ll learn how to make ongoing small deposits into the Bank of Goodwill, and how to ask for favors when it’s time, without sounding like a car salesman or a mooch. Your book deserves support, and your book launch team wants to give it! Join this fast-paced, upbeat Zoom call, including YOUR questions and breakout time to network with other writers.


Virtual Event on Zoom

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