A Writer's Journal

31st January 2023 7:00pm to 8:30pm, Online

This Masterclass is all about knowing yourself better as a writer. What fires up your writing? What stops you?  A writing system is very simple: you do more of first and less of the second.

Know Yourself is the best advice for any writer and it’s deliciously paradoxical. What looks easy is difficult, and what seems hard, like overcoming writer’s block, is simple.

The person we are inside, and should know best, is often a stranger to us. This uncertainty baffles and discomforts us, especially at peak moments, when we are about to hit success or a setback. We will do anything to avoid stressful feelings, which means when things get sticky, we often find a distraction that prevents us writing.

Procrastination makes perfect sense when you know how your Saboteur Archetype works to keep you safe.  A Writer Journal is your superpower to spot these patterns. Archetypes are brilliant for identifying them and once you can see your pattern clearly, you can pick the best strategy to deactivate it.

A sensitive writer has enormous potential to be their worst tormentor with cruel doubts and impossibly high standards. Luckily, writers also possess the highest potential to thrive, because you have the talent to rewrite your old story with your talent for observation, your love of words and with your mastery of skills like story structure and understanding of character.

There are several big questions when it comes to writing: how do I get started? What do I want to write about? How do I develop my voice? How can I become a better writer? 

Creativity Consultant, former TV producer and award-winning author of The Hurting Lucy van Smit, has developed A Writer’s Journal Workbook to help you work through these questions, with practical exercises and creative prompts. In this masterclass she will be taking you through a five-step journaling process that can transform your writing life.

This Masterclass is game changer for writers and aims to show you how to connect to your creativity, self-regulate anxiety and switch on your writing confidence. Whether you are an emerging writer looking to find your voice and improve your writing, or an experienced writer seeking inspiration, meaning and purpose for your next project this class will give you the tools and plenty of AHA moments to connect to your creativity and create a happy writing practice.

15 minutes will be reserved for a Q&A at the end of the masterclass.

This masterclass will be online, video platform to be confirmed. It will also be recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you'll be able to catch-up and access the recording for up to two weeks following the event.

Speaker profiles
Lucy van Smit

Former documentary producer, Lucy van Smit is an award-winning author and an artist who regrets selling off her best paintings to pay the rent. (Jeremy Clarkson owns two) At Art School Lucy ran off to New York, successfully sold encyclopaedias door-to-door before finishing her BA Hons Fine Art degree and blagged a job in American TV, travelling worldwide for NBC News. Lucy flew on Air Force One with President Reagan, got surrounded by tanks at Manila airport in a coup, before she decamped to Canadian Broadcasting and made multiple Art Documentaries on authors like John Le Carré, Martin Amis and Ian McEwan. 

Lucy is dyslexic with a Distinction in MA Creative Writing for Young People. Her debut YA novel, THE HURTING won the inaugural Bath Children’s Novel Award, published by Chicken House Books. A WRITER’S JOURNAL WORKBOOK (Bloomsbury 2022) aims to tame our anxiety, rewild creativity and empower writers to love and master their craft. Currently writing a screenplay and follow-up book on creativity and intuition, Lucy lives in London with her family and is passionate about mentoring writers through workshops and One-to-One coaching. 



Booking & payment

The workshop fee of £30 (incl. VAT) is payable in full online. Please note, all timings are per UK time.

This is a live online event which will be presented using video conferencing software. Joining instructions and full guidance will be provided by the W&A Team a week before the event start-date..

Please note that payment instalment plans are available for all W&A events, writing courses and editing services. Contact W&A Admin on [email protected] so that we can find a payment schedule that works for you.

Accessible to All

It’s of real importance to Writers & Artists that our events and courses remain accessible to all.

  • Writers & Artists has made up to three bursary places available for this event as part of our accessibility scheme. Please visit our bursaries page for further information about how to apply. All bursary applications must have been submitted for consideration by 20th January
  • At the speaker's discretion, event materials will be made available to attendees after the masterclass.
  • This event will include written text and visuals. Please contact us in advance so that we can make arrangements to be sure all documents appear in a format that works for you.
  • If you’d like to attend but have any questions or concerns regarding accessibility, then please email [email protected]


United Kingdom

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